
- Sports Workbook
- Scoutmaster Bucky's - Sports Merit Badge tracking Sheets (for requirement 4a)
- Scoutmaster Bucky's Merit Badge Advancement Quick Reference
- Scoutmaster Bucky's Acknowledgement Form
Sports Requirements Current Scouts BSA requirements
as of March 8, 2025
as of March 8, 2025
Note: The activities used to fulfill the requirements for the Sports
merit badge may not be used to help fulfill requirements for other merit
Do the following:
Explain to your counselor the most likely risks you may encounter while
participating in sports and what you should do to anticipate, help
prevent, mitigate, and respond to these risks.
Show that you know first aid or understand the treatment for injuries
that could occur while participating in sports, including sprains;
strains; muscle cramps; contusions; abrasions; blisters; dehydration;
heat reactions; fractures; injured teeth; head, neck, and back
injuries; and concussions.
Explain the following:
The importance of the physical exam
The importance of maintaining good health habits for life (such as
exercising regularly), and how the use of tobacco products, alcohol,
and other harmful substances can negatively affect your health and your
performance in sports activities
The importance of maintaining a healthy diet.
Discuss the following:
The importance of warming up and cooling down
The importance of weight training
What an amateur athlete is and the differences between an amateur and a
professional athlete
The attributes (qualities) of a good sport, the importance of
sportsmanship, and the traits of a good team leader and player who
exhibits Scout spirit on and off the playing field.
Select TWO of the following sports and discuss with your counselor how you
will complete the requirements in 5a through 5h for each sport: badminton,
baseball, basketball, bowling, cross-country, diving, field hockey, flag
football, flag team, golf, gymnastics, ice hockey, lacrosse, soccer,
softball, spirit/cheerleading, swimming, tackle football, table tennis,
tennis, track and field, volleyball, water polo, and/or wrestling. Your
counselor may approve in advance other recognized sports, but not any sport
that is prohibited by Scouting America. The sports you choose must include
regular practice sessions and at least four structured, officiated, scored
games, meets, or contests against other competitive individuals or
organized teams during the period of participation.
Do the following:
With guidance from your counselor, establish a suitable personal
training program that you will follow throughout your competition
season (or for three months).
Create a chart or other tracking system, and document your training,
practice, and development during this time.
Demonstrate proper technique to play each sport effectively and avoid
List and describe the equipment needed for each sport, including
protective equipment and any specialized clothing.
List and explain the rules and proper etiquette of each sport.
Draw and explain a diagram of the playing area for each sport.
Participate in each sport as a competitive individual or as a member of
an organized team for one season (or for three months).
At the end of the season, share your completed chart with your
counselor and discuss how your participation in the sports you chose
has affected you mentally and physically.
Do ONE of the following:
Identify three career opportunities that would use skills and
knowledge related to a sport. Pick one and research the training,
education, certification requirements, experience, and expenses
associated with entering the field. Research the prospects for
employment, starting salary, advancement opportunities and career
goals associated with this career. Discuss what you learned with your
counselor and whether you might be interested in this career.
Identify how you might use skills and knowledge related to a sport to
pursue a personal hobby and/or healthy lifestyle. Research the
additional training required, expenses, and affiliation with
organizations that would help you maximize the enjoyment and benefit
you might gain from it. Discuss what you learned with your counselor
and share what short-term and long-term goals you might have if you
pursued this.