Eagle Scout Palms
Palms are NOT considered ranks but rather an award
A Venturer or Sea Scout attaining the rank of Eagle may earn Eagle Palms. For Venturers working on Scouts BSA requirements, replace "Scoutmaster" with "crew Advisor." For Sea Scouts working on Scouts BSA requirements, replace "Scoutmaster" with "Skipper."
After successfully completing your Eagle Scout board of review and being validated as an Eagle Scout by the National Service Center, you will be entitled to receive an Eagle Palm for each additional five merit badges you completed before your Eagle board of review beyond those required for Eagle.
You may wear only the proper combination of Palms for the number of merit badges you earned beyond the rank of Eagle. The Bronze Palm represents five merit badges, the Gold Palm 10, and the Silver Palm 15.
After becoming an Eagle Scout and receiving the Eagle Palms you are entitled to, you may earn additional Palms by completing the following requirements:
Eagle Scout Palms Requirements
After becoming an Eagle Scout and receiving the Eagle Palms you are entitled to, you may earn additional Palms by completing the following requirements: