Alternative Requirements for Eagle Scout Rank
The Eagle Scout rank may be achieved by a Scouts BSA Scout or a qualified* Venturer or Sea Scout who has a physical or mental disability by completing the Application for Alternative Eagle Scout Rank Merit Badges, No. 512-730, and by qualifying for alternative merit badges. This does not apply to individual requirements for merit badges. Merit badges are awarded only when all requirements are met as stated. See the Guide to Advancement, section, for details.
The physical or mental disability must be of a permanent rather than of a temporary nature or a disability expected to last more than two years or beyond age 18. The application must include a written statement from a qualified health professional related to the nature of the disability. This person may be a physician, neurologist, psychiatrist, psychologist, etc., or, when appropriate, an educational administrator in special education.
Before applying, a Scout must earn as many of the Eagle-required merit badges as possible. However, where a permanent disability clearly precludes completing specific merit badges, a Scout who has earned at least First Class may apply for an alternative merit badge without waiting until all other Eagle-required merit badges are complete. Any alternatives must present the same challenge and learning level as those they replace, and must be completed prior to the 18th birthday unless the member is registered beyond the age of eligibility (reference Guide to Advancement, sections -
* In order to be an Eagle Scout candidate, a Venturer or Sea Scout must have achieved First Class rank as a registered Scout or as a Lone Scout.