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Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class Rank Alternative Requirements

A Scout who has a permanent physical or mental disability (or a disability expected to last more than two years or beyond the 18th birthday) and is unable to complete all of the requirements for Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, or First Class rank may, with his parents or guardian, submit a request to the council advancement committee to complete alternative requirements. Below are the procedures for applying for alternative requirements. To help facilitate this process, use the Individual Scout Advancement Plan, No. 512-936, which can be found at For more detailed information about alternative requirements, see the Guide to Advancement.

Do as Many Existing Requirements as Possible. Before applying for alternative requirements, as many of the existing requirements must be completed as possible.
Prepare a Request for Alternative Requirements. Once the Scout's best has been done to the limit of the Scout's abilities and resources, the unit leader or a troop committee member submits to the council advancement committee a written request for alternative requirements for Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, or First Class ranks. It must show what has been completed and suggest the alternatives for those requirements the Scout cannot do.
Secure a Medical Statement and Provide Supporting Documents. The request must be accompanied by supporting letters from the unit leader, a parent or guardian, and the Scout (if possible), as well as a written statement from a qualified health professional related to the nature of the disability. This may be, for example, a physician, neurologist, psychiatrist, psychologist, etc., or, when appropriate, an educational administrator in special education. Statements must describe the disability; cover the Scout's capabilities, limitations, and prognosis; and outline what requirements cannot be completed. Additional information such as Individualized Education Plans (IEP) provided to parents by schools, and various treatment summaries and reports, may help an advancement committee make an informed decision.
The Advancement Committee Reviews the Request. The advancement committee reviews the request, utilizing the expertise of professionals involved with youth who have special needs. To make a fair determination, the committee may want to interview the Scout, the Scout's parents(s) or guardian(s), and the unit leader. The committee's decision is then recorded and delivered to the Scout and the unit leader.
Developing today's youth to become tomorrow's leaders
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