Choose two requirements from A or B or C or D and complete ALL the requirements for the two you selected.
Helpful Links
Be sure you have your parent’s or guardian’s permission before using the internet.
The Interactive Library—Explain It With Molecules:
University of Alcalá “Intermolecular hydrogen bonds in liquid water and in ice”:
Information and Tools to Examine Properties of Water “A gentle introduction to water and its structure”:
The Interactive Library—Explain It With Molecules:
University of Alcallá—“Intermolecular hydrogen bonds in liquid water and in ice”:
Some Sources of Materials:
Some Experiments
Helpful Link:
USGS Water Use in the United States
Household water use.
Create a list all of the ways that water is used around your home in a 24-hour period, including the bathroom, kitchen, and any appliances. Don’t forget outdoor water uses such as pools, hot tubs, sprinkler systems, landscape and gardens, pets and/or livestock, and cleaning efforts such as washing cars, boats, pets, etc.
Compare your estimate with the actual total found on your home water bill, and account for any large differences. (Hint: ask your parent or guardian to help you locate that information on the monthly water bill or well meter.)
Note: If you live in a multi-family housing unit and do not have an individual water bill, you may be able to obtain the information from your unit’s management. If not, measure your water usage for at least two tasks (for example, by leaving the drain closed when you take a shower, then measuring the amount of water that collected in the tub during your shower) and use that data to revise your estimates.