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Community Action Network

Over half of people experience poverty at some point in their lives. People move in and out of poverty at different times in their lives. In 1964 Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Economic Opportunity Act which created a Network of Community Action Agencies. Community Action works to connect millions of people with low and moderate incomes, to essential services.

One of the goals of establishing a network of community action agencies, was that each agency could establish programs that would be beneficial to each community. The founders of community action realized the needs of people living in the Appalachian Mountains would not be the same as those living in Washington DC. Each Agency has the authority to fight poverty with programs that are beneficial for their community.

In Minnesota, there are 24 Community Action Agencies and 11 Tribal Nations that serve the 87 counties. These agencies have programs to prevent homelessness, facilitate utility bill assistance, assist with MNsure enrollment, address food insecurity, run Head Start and Early Head Start Programs, have programs to help senior citizens stay independent in their homes as long as it is safe, run FREE Tax Clinics and more…

These agencies are working to lower the rate of poverty in Minnesota, and are trying to help communities learn that just because someone is living in poverty, they are not "the poor." Living in Poverty does not define who that person is.

The Promise of Community Action:

Community Action changes people's lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community, and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other.

May is Community Action Month, I encourage you to find your local agency and volunteer or donate. It will make your community better!

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