SCOUT SATURDAY – Highlighting Scouting each Saturday of the <360 Awareness Project.
No foolin', I am honored to have received the BSA's Torch of Gold Award today, April 1, 2023 at the Northern Star Council's Annual Adult Volunteer Recognition Event. While this post to some may seem self promoting, most will understand that I am sharing the receipt of this award to help bring awareness and NOT brag. Most of life's recognitions are not those that we seek but rather those that find us; the BSA's Torch of Gold Award is definitely one that found me.
As any good leader knows, knowledge is power and attitude is everything. Arm yourself with a positive attitude to serve each youth as an equatable individual, and build your knowledge through conversation, publications, and training. A number of Scouting councils have a DisABILITIES / Special Needs Committee. This is a great starting point to find out what resources, partnerships, and training might be available to Scouts, Scouters, and Scouting Families in your local area.
Both National and Local Scouting organizations have resources that include but are not limited to newsletters, toolkits, guides, seminars, and trainings online and in-person. The BSA's Guide to Advancement has an entire section dedicated to Advancement for Members with Special Needs that defines such things as Individual Scout Advancement Plans, Request for Registration Beyond the Age of Eligibility, and processes for approval for Alternative Rank Requirements including the Eagle Rank.
Scouting has always provided a safe haven for youth to grow. Today the need is greater than ever with many Scouts having a diagnosis and even more that are undiagnosed. While there are units that are composed exclusively of Scouts with disabilities, analysis has shown that whether a Scout's challenge is visible or invisible, Scouting works best when these youth are mainstreamed – placed in a regular patrol in a regular troop. Even better, my experience has found that the basic premise of Scouting for ALL youth is that every youth wants to participate fully and be treated and respected like every other member of the troop.
Need a starting point?
Chair of the Boy Scouts of America National Special Needs and Disabilities Committee – Warren Wenner, CNP (
Co-Chairs of the Northern Star Scouting Special Needs and Disabilities Committee – Mary Wangerin ( or Donna Larson