Merit Badge Requirements Merit Badge History Workbook and Resources

Railroading Class Preparation

What to Bring

Read and review ALL requirements prior to the class.
Even though a requirement may be identified as one to be done in class, Scouts are still expected to familiarize, review, and prepare for the requirement – BE PREPARED!

Active interaction/participation is expected and mandatory.

Share in your own words – avoid reading your answers.

Pay attention to the action verbs in the requirements.

Bring proof of completion, even partially completed work.

Requirement Insights

1a-c, 2b, 3c, 4, 5, 6, 7a3

Scouts will be able to successfully complete all requirements during the class when they have prepared ahead of time.

These requirements will be facilitated by the instructor / counselor during the class, however the Scouts preparation work will ensure completion of these requirements on the day of the class.


Scouts will need to prepare ahead of time and be ready to share their explanations as well as their timetable plan for their rail trip.

The instructor / counselor will help facilitate discussion and review of this requirement with the Scouts' preparation work furing the class.


Simply put, Scouts will need to draw their railroad layout and bring their work to class to share with the counselor.

Things to Remember to Bring

What to Bring
  1. Your BSA ID# and / or your Merit Badge Blue Card properly filled out and signed off by your Scout Leader.
  2. Notes and questions from reading the Railroading Merit Badge Pamphlet.
  3. Wear your Scout Uniform.
  4. Supporting documentation or project work pertinent to this merit badge, which may also include a Merit Badge Workbook for reference with notes.
  5. A positive Scouting focus and attitude.
Merit Badge Workbooks are a tool to aid Scouts with their work preparation. BSA discourages — but does not ban — the use of any merit badge worksheets or workbooks. Merit badge counselors must NEVER require the use of merit badge worksheets or workbooks and may if they choose, refuse to accept them. Scouts shall not be required to use ANY of these to complete a merit badge.